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22.03.2021, Alzchem, Corporate News

Disclosure according to Article 5 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and Article 2 Section (1) of the Delegated EU Regulation 2016/1052

Disclosure according to Article 5 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and Article 2 Section (1) of the Delegated EU Regulation 2016/1052

Due to its Annual Shareholders Meeting to be held on May 12, 2021 AlzChem Group AG tem-porarily interrupts its share repurchase program as published by announcements dated Feb-ruary 2 and 5, 2021.
In order to call its Annual Shareholders Meeting orderly and to pay any dividend resolved by the shareholders properly the share repurchase program will be interrupted (including each date)

  • from March 22 until April 2, 2021 and
  • from May 10 until May 18, 2021.


Trostberg, March 22, 2021

AlzChem Group AG
- Managing Board -

About AlzChem

AlzChem is a globally active specialty chemicals company that is predominantly among the market leaders in its fields of activity. AlzChem benefits in particular from the three very different global megatrends of sustainability, population growth and healthy aging. AlzChem products offer attractive solutions in a wide range of applications.

The company sees interesting growth prospects for itself above all in the fields of human and animal nutrition, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, fine chemicals, metallurgy and renewable energies. The broad product range includes, for example, dietary supplements, plant growth regulators and precursors for corona tests.

The company employs around 1,630 people at four production sites in Germany and Sweden, and at two sales companies in the USA and China. In 2020, AlzChem generated consolidated sales of around EUR 379 million and EBITDA of around EUR 53.8 million.

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