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In harmony with people and the environment

Sustainability at Alzchem

The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important worldwide and is also a very high priority for Alzchem. In harmony with people and the environment, we want to be a regional company that takes people’s interests and concerns seriously, especially when it comes to climate protection. As part of our corporate strategy, sustainability serves as our guide to a successful future. Environmental protection and especially our CO2 footprint are an ongoing issue for Alzchem – and not only since only recently, as we have been active in this area very emphatically for many years. Our medium-term goal is to make our company CO2-neutral.

Frau liegt in der Wiese und schaut nach rechts

Sustainability - Alzchem offers solutions

In times of climate change, sustainable structures and sustainable action are an integral part of our social and societal responsibility, which we must fulfill as a globally active company in the field of specialty chemicals. For us, sustainability means, in particular, responsibility for people and the environment.

The principles and guidelines for sustainability form the framework for our strategic and operational objectives and are continually further developped. They serve as a guide to a successful future, have been firmly anchored in our corporate culture for many years and apply to all employees at all Alzchem Group plants and subsidiaries worldwide. Our processes and products, as well as the raw materials we use, are continuously improved in the direction of a resource-saving and CO2-neutral future.

With our climate roadmap, we have set ourselves the clear intention of achieving the policy goals of climate neutrality much sooner through concrete packages of measures. If we consistently implement our roadmap, we will have achieved the targeted climate neutrality as early as 2033.

Environment Social Governance; Einzelne Säulen in Grün Orange Blau
Sustainability Rating 2024

Platinum medal at EcoVadis

In 2024, Alzchem once again underwent an independent CSR rating by EcoVadis, the world's largest provider of sustainability ratings for companies, and improved once again compared to 2023. In recognition of its sustainability successes, the company received the Platinum Medal for the first time as the highest award, which confirms Alzchem's responsible approach to people and the environment. 

Ecovadis Logo 2024

The EcoVadis methodology is based on international sustainability standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000) and is monitored by a scientific panel of CSR and supply chain experts to produce reliable CSR ratings. The company's activities in the areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement are assessed. 

Sustainability has long been an essential part of Alzchem Group AG's corporate strategy - and this is paying off: With 84 out of 100 achievable points, the company is among the top 1 per cent of companies assessed by EcoVadis worldwide. This underlines the company's commitment to sustainable corporate behaviour and social responsibility. Among the various ESG topics, Alzchem achieved an almost optimal score for environmental issues as well as labour and human rights. The area of ethics confirmed its already very high rating. 

Our path to climate neutrality

Now our company is setting itself a new green milestone as a goal: climate neutrality. Thus, Alzchem has a comprehensive climate roadmap with concrete packages of measures that the Executive Board developed together with an internal sustainability committee.

Here you can find our path to climate neutrality.

Klimafahrplan - Unser Weg zur Klimaneutralität - Kind läuft in den Sonnenuntergang
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Andreas Niedermaier
Andreas Niedermaier, CEO of Alzchem Group AG

“We are increasingly focusing on sustainability. Our actions and products make an important contribution to society and the environment, for example in test kits for the detection of COVID-19 and antibodies, in feeding an ever-growing global population, and in reducing the amount of land needed for agriculture.”

Klaus Englmaier

“We are constantly working on innovations to operate even more sustainably. The new nitrile production plant is one example. Here, Alzchem is once again relying on gas phase technology that has been permanently optimized by our own engineers and chemists and which sets the state of the art and benchmarks in terms of raw material yield and from an environmental perspective.”

Andreas Lösler Portrait
Andreas Lösler, CFO Alzchem Group AG

Sustainability is a currency that we use to measure the value of our success for future generations. A conscious focus on environmental and social responsibility not only creates stable portfolios, but also a profitable future in which financial success and environmental integrity go hand in hand. With every sustainable step we take, we contribute to a future that combines economic success in harmony with nature and the needs of our world.

Georg Weichselbaumer

“On the product side, we are making targeted developments in sustainable topics. As a result, for example, we have new applications for our calcium cyanamide in agriculture that succeed in significantly reducing CO2 and methane emissions. Our new product Eminex® was launched in September 2021.”

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Our sustainability goals

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Große Eiche mit Rapsfeld im Hintergrund und Sonne
Climate neutrality

Establish the path to CO2-neutral growth and climate neutrality by 2033.

Mitarbeiter in der Produktionsanlage schauen auf ein iPad

Our vision: Zero accidents.

Wachsende Pflanze in der Hand

Our vision are zero waste and support of the circular economy.

Paragraph Zeichen Gesetz

We are implementing the EU Taxonomy Regulation - Taxonomy Compliance.

Zahnräder werden auf eine Tafel gemalt
Change rom NFRD to CSRD

Organizing the transition from NFRD (Nonfinancial Reporting Directive) to CSRD (VCorporate Susteianability Reporting Directive).

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We offer sustainable solutions

Products with a strong sustainability profile

Climate change, constant population growth and increasing life expectancy are the global challenges that society and also we as a company have to face.  We see promising prospects especially in the areas of human and animal nutrition and in agriculture. For example, we want to create the basis for an efficient food supply with our products. Our pharmaceutical raw materials and creatine products can contribute to healthy ageing with a higher life expectancy. With our product Creapure®  or our raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry, we make a significant contribution to this. Whether Eminex®  for agriculture or Creamino®  for animal nutrition, innovative products from Alzchem help our customers to operate sustainably.
We are in constant dialogue with our customers and together we find sustainable solutions for the challenges of tomorrow.

Frau mit Blatt in Herzform
We stand for sustainable development

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, the UN set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which are to be achieved by 2030 in a cooperative partnership between politics, business and society.

The Alzchem Group supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and makes an important contribution to achieving these goals through its activities and products. As a medium-sized company in the specialty chemicals sector, we cannot be active in all areas of the 17 SDGs, but we are very active and show a high level of commitment in the areas that are most important to us.

We have identified the five most important SDGs for the Alzchem Group, on which our particular focus lies (SDG 3, SDG 6, SDG 8, SDG 12, SDG 13)

ESG criteria

We convince in the areas of environment, social and corporate governance (ESG)

ESG originates from the financial world and is used there for the approach of sustainable investments. However, ESG is also practised by many other companies - a voluntary contribution by business to sustainable development that goes beyond the legal requirements. Here, the term describes the ecological and social areas of corporate governance that can be measured by non-financial indicators.

We act environmentally conscious


Protecting the climate and the environment is one of the key global challenges of our time.

It is an essential part of our corporate responsibility to preserve the natural foundations of life for future generations. as part of our sustainability strategy, it is our goal to continuously reduce our DIRECT emissions.

In 2022, Alzchem`s expenditure on environmental protection amounted to just under EUR 24 Million (previous year: EUR 20 Million).

Moos Natur Methaphum
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