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12.08.2022, Alzchem, Corporate News, Sustainability

Alzchem Group AG: Three Alzchem climate projects receive public funding of around EUR 850 thousand

Trostberg, June 7, 2024 – Alzchem has received funding commitments totaling around EUR 850 thousand, which represent non-repayable investment grants this year. Alzchem Group AG, a vertically integrated specialty chemicals supplier with a leading market position in selected niche markets, continues to consistently implement its ambitious climate roadmap. On the way to climate neutrality by 2033, the company is implementing various measures to save energy, recover heat and increase efficiency. Alzchem is also supported in this by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (“Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle”, BAFA). So far this year, Alzchem has received funding commitments totaling around EUR 850 thousand, which represent non-repayable investment grants. 

Andreas Niedermaier, CEO of Alzchem Group AG: “We are delighted about the government recognition and support for our efforts to promote climate protection and reduce our CO2 emissions. We are convinced that specialty chemicals can make an important contribution to sustainability. To this end, we will continue to work on innovative solutions that make both economic and ecological sense. The current status of our climate roadmap was presented in detail at the Annual General Meeting on May 7, 2024, and can also be viewed on our website.” Alzchem Group AG had already presented its climate roadmap extensively to its shareholders at the Annual General Meeting 2023 and was the first German listed company to obtain a “Say on Climate” resolution from its shareholders. 

The complete climate roadmap is available for download on the website www.alzchem.com in the Sustainability section.

More information on sustainability at Alzchem

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