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26.07.2024, Alzchem, Sustainability

Sustainability in research at Alzchem

Since January 2024, Alzchem has taken a major step forward: improved software developed specifically for research work measures and evaluates aspects of sustainability in the company's current projects. This allows sustainability goals to be better prioritised and advanced. 
First of all, project managers analyze and categorize all projects currently in place relating to research and innovation. A new evaluation tool then assesses these and shows which of them can actually make a positive contribution to sustainability.  
This makes it possible to determine exactly what makes a direct positive contribution to climate protection, such as  

  • reducing energy consumption  
  • reducing water consumption  
  • further reduction of CO2 emissions 
  • improving the circular economy
  • development of sustainable products  

The commitment to take a closer look at the area of research and innovation in terms of sustainability is another important turning point towards a sustainable Alzchem. It enables us to fulfil our significant responsibility in society for an environment worth living in. 

Here you can find more information about sustainability at Alzchem

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