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27.08.2024, Alzchem, Sustainability

Sustainability at Alzchem from Martina Spitzer's perspective

Today I am delighted to look behind the scenes at Alzchem and report on the impressive progress made in the field of sustainability. As an employee of this innovative company, I am proud to be part of an organization that is determined to create a more sustainable world. 

Sustainability as a corporate principle
Our company integrates environmentally friendly practices into all aspects of our business processes. From the supply chain to our own emissions, we focus on sustainable solutions to have the most positive impact on the environment. 

Innovative products
Alzchem invests in research and development to create sustainable products, such as Eminex®, that counteract the environmental impact of traditional alternatives. We are proud to offer solutions that are not only effective, but also address the environmental challenges of our time. 

Managing resources
Through efficient production processes, recycling initiatives and the use of renewable energy, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to climate protection with our climate roadmap.

Making a difference together
As a member of the Alzchem family, I find it meaningful to be part of an organization that not only strives for business success, but also wants to make a positive change in the world. Our joint efforts for sustainability show that it is possible to successfully combine business success and environmental protection. 

Let's work together towards a sustainable future! 

Your Martina Spitzer

Find out more about sustainability at Alzchem

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