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07.01.2022, Agricultural solutions, Fine Chemicals

Rebranding of Alzchem – our DICYANDIAMIDE with a new look

New year, new logo, new flyer 


Two months ago we presented our new Corporate Identity including our new logo. In this context we have created Information material which gives you more insight into one of our established products. 


Dicyandiamide is used in a wide variety of applications. Probably the best known can be found in the pharmaceutical industry as a starting material for the drug "Metformin" (for the treatment of type 2 diabetes). Furthermore, DCD is used for environmentally friendly nitrogen fertilisers, as a hardener in hot-curing epoxy industrial applications, in the textile and paper industry for surface finishing and additionally as flocculating agent for industrial waste water treatment. 


We ACT in a 100-percent backwards-integrated production "Made in Germany" and look forward to receiving your inquiries for our Dicyandiamide. 

Here you can find further information about our Product Dicyandiamide

Weißes Pulver in Petrischale
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