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03.07.2024, Alzchem, Automotive, Pharma

NITRALZ® - innovative gas phase technology for a more sustainable world

In the production of nitriles, Alzchem relies on highly efficient and environmentally friendly gas phase technology. The technological know-how enables lower emissions and contributes to waste reduction. This is because the in-house waste gas incinerator converts waste gases into water and carbon dioxide or, in the case of chlorinated benzonitriles, into hydrochloric acid. These substances are in turn used in other processes on site.

NITRALZ® (Nitriles) presents its pioneering gas phase technology enabling a more sustainable world in industrial processes. Operated in a purpose-built facility, Alzchem's innovative system consists of gas phase reactors, distillation columns and packaging units. These modular units operate independently, providing unparalleled flexibility to adapt processes according to the unique properties of raw materials and end products.

Green production is at the heart of environmentally friendly gas phase technology. The highly efficient approach of gas phase technology, which is mainly used to produce nitriles under the NITRALZ® brand, is solvent-free and results in significantly reduced emissions and waste.

To emphasize the versatility of this technology, Alzchem provides examples of its wide range of other reaction possibilities. These include the ketonization of acids to form compounds such as acetylpyridine or heptanone and the dehydration of alcohols to produce valuable 1-octene. In addition, the technology enables the dehydration of imidazoles for the production of various imidazoles and thus demonstrates its diverse applications.

Alzchem's innovative gas phase technology represents a significant step towards a more sustainable future and offers efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for industrial processes.

Here you can find more information about our NITRALZ® portfolio

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