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  • DE
21.01.2021, Human Nutrition, Press release

AlzChem’s starting material for Creapure® notified in the USA as “generally safe for use in food” – an important prerequisite for the continuation of the international success story of Creapure®

Successful presentation of the safety of Creapure® in food.

AlzChem, the leading manufacturer of high-quality creatine monohydrate, has successfully presented in a voluntary GRAS notification that the use of its self-manufactured creatine monohydrate under the Creapure® brand in food is safe. GRAS stands for “Generally Recognized As Safe”. The conclusion is based on all available data on creatine in conjunction with the controlled manufacturing process and the high product quality of AlzChem’s self-manufactured creatine monohydrate under the Creapure® brand.

In accordance with the standard procedure for GRAS notification, AlzChem had submitted extensive documentation and evaluation of the freely available scientific information as well as the closely controlled manufacturing process. The formal review of the GRAS notification by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not lead to any queries. As a result, AlzChem’s self-manufactured creatine monohydrate can be safely used in food under the Creapure® brand, for example in energy drinks, protein bars and powders, milkshakes, meal replacement powders and bars, meat replacement products and powdered drink mixes.

As a leading manufacturer of high-quality creatine monohydrate, AlzChem continuously pursues the goal of making creatine and its positive effects widely available. The GRAS status of AlzChem’s self-manufactured creatine monohydrate under the Creapure® brand opens up new opportunities for its use, including in specialty foods to optimize the diets of vegetarians and vegans who do not consume creatine in their normal diets, as well as in functional foods that support healthy, active living and overall well-being.

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About Alzchem

AlzChem is a globally active specialty chemicals company that is predominantly among the market leaders in its fields of activity. AlzChem benefits in particular from the three very different global megatrends of sustainability, population growth and healthy aging. AlzChem products offer attractive solutions in a wide range of applications.

The company sees interesting growth prospects for itself above all in the fields of human and animal nutrition, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, fine chemicals, metallurgy and renewable energies. The broad product range includes, for example, dietary supplements, plant growth regulators and precursors for corona tests.

The company employs around 1,630 people at four production sites in Germany and Sweden, and at two sales companies in the USA and China. In 2020, AlzChem generated consolidated sales of around EUR 379 million and EBITDA of around EUR 53.8 million.

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