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07.05.2024, Alzchem, Corporate News, Annual General Meeting

Alzchem Group AG receives strong support from shareholders at Annual General Meeting; dividend increase to EUR 1.20 per share approved

Trostberg, May 7, 2024 – At today’s virtual Annual General Meeting, the Management Board and Supervisory Board once again received strong approval from the shareholders of Alzchem Group AG for their direction of the company. All items on the agenda were resolved by a large majority as proposed by the management. Particularly noteworthy is the increase in the dividend to EUR 1.20 per share (previous year: EUR 1.05), which was made possible by Alzchem’s strong earnings performance in the fiscal year 2023. The plenary session also approved the discharge of the Management Board and Supervisory Board, the appointment of the auditor for the annual and consolidated financial statements for 2024 and the sustainability report for 2024, the remuneration report, the authorization to acquire and use treasury shares as well as an amendment to the articles of association. 

Andreas Niedermaier, CEO of Alzchem Group AG: “The extraordinarily high level of approval from our shareholders for all items on the agenda confirms the successful development and strategy of Alzchem. Our consistent transformation to specialty chemicals has proven itself impressively in 2023 and enables us to allow our shareholders to participate in Alzchem’s success in the form of a significantly increased dividend. We also expect sustained profitable growth in the coming years.”

The detailed voting results for the individual items on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting can be downloaded from the company website at https://www.alzchem.com/en/investor-relations/annual-general-meeting/.

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