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  • DE
16.05.2024, Alzchem, Agriculture

Eminex® - Research project and biogas

Did you know? The Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) became aware of our product Eminex® and launched a three-year research project. This is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and is being carried out in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute. This is because biogas production and optimal fertilization with liquid manure and biogas fermentation residues are coming back into focus. 

Among other things, it is now being investigated whether the biogas yield from liquid manure can be increased by means of Eminex® treatment. The aim is to increase the yield of biogas from the fermentation of farm manure by developing a suitable application recommendation. If successful, domestic energy production from renewable energies could be improved and made more efficient. The research project shows that Eminex® can not only improve the CO2 footprint in agriculture, but also brings many other benefits. 

The arguments for the effectiveness of Eminex® are so convincing that there is no way around it if agriculture wants or needs to effectively decrease its own CO2 footprint.

Here you can find more information about Eminex®.

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