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23.02.2022, Alzchem

Creapure® and Basketball / Make it your game!

Basketball is one of the sports for which performance enhancement through creatine is considered proven - this was already confirmed by the International Society for Sports Nutrition in a position paper in 2017. The positive effect of creatine in this dynamic team sport has been known for far longer: the higher the strength, quickness or interval components of a performance requirement in a sport, the greater the potential performance increase through creatine.  

This is particularly interesting for basketball players: Regular creatine supplementation leads to an improvement in jumping power. This was shown in various tests such as "vertical jumps" (briefly squatting and then jumping as high as possible), "counter movement jumps" (jumps with a rapid bending of the knees), "spike jumps" (jumps with one arm stretched up) and "block jumps" (jumps with both arms stretched up).  

The higher the proportion of strength, sprint, jump and interval requirements in a sport, the more athletes turn to creatine.   

American studies have shown that creatine supplementation is also widespread in game sports such as soccer, tennis, field hockey and basketball: of the athletes surveyed, 21 percent reported taking creatine. In addition to the well-known effects in sports, the positive effects of creatine on the energy balance of a variety of different cells in the human body (including not only muscle cells, but also brain and immune cells), as well as other health-promoting properties, have been increasingly scientifically proven recently.  

The basketball players of TSV 1880 Wasserburg a. Inn know this, too.   

They are a brilliant figurehead of the club and of German basketball: In more than 20 years in the first national league (1. DBBL), they have been German champions eleven times, cup winners nine times and consistently among the top four in the league. The TSV 1880 Wasserburg a. Inn e.V. women's basketball team is one of the best in Germany and Europe. 

So there can't be a better FIT to Creapure®, which is also reflected in the joint video:

True to the motto:

It’s a fast game 
It’s a physical game 
It’s a mind game 
It’s a motivation game 
It’s a skill game 
It’s an energetic game 
It’s a team game 
Make it your game! 

Here you can find more information about our product Creapure®

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