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20.05.2022, Agricultural Products, Alzchem

Boosting soil life with Perlka®

The well-established fertilizer supports food security and sustainable food production.

What is a fertile soil and what does it need?  

There are different kinds of soils with varying characteristics such as clay, gravel, volcanic ash or sandy soils. A good soil is one which has high water retention capacity - according to its soil type - to help crops survive dry periods. Water, sufficient nutrients and a balanced biological activity in such a soil are essential to add life to the soil and to produce vegetables, fruits and other crops sustainably.  


What is Perlka®?  

Perlka® is a dynamic and flexible fertilizer. It not only supplies the soil with essential nutrients such as nitrogen and lime but also offers a wide range of other unique effects. Many farmers prefer Calcium Cyanamide Perlka® in order to prevent yield and quality losses during increasingly tight crop rotations, or to be able to manage them properly once again. Why? - because soil health is more important than ever to ensure a sustainable production. 


How does Perlka® help to create a healthier soil?  

By applying Perlka® to the soil the activity of soil enzymes including dehydrogenase, catalase, protease etc. is fostered due to its lime and nitrogen content[1]. Lime prevents acidification and nitrogen helps additionally to support the living conditions of soil bacteria and microorganisms[2]. Moreover, a Perlka®-fertilized environment supports the living conditions of saprophytic fungi, e.g. fungi that are responsible to degrade straw and other infectious plant residues on the soil surface[3]. Many parasitic fungi cannot benefit from this nitrogen source.  


[1] Bosch, M.; Amberger, A. (1983). Einfluss langjähriger Düngung mit verschiedenen N-Formen auf pH-Wert, Humusfraktion, biologische Aktivität und Stickstoffdynamik einer Acker-Braunerde. In: Z. f. Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 146, S. 714-724. [2] Ma, Junwei; Sun, Wanchun; et al. 2013. Effects of cyanamide fertilizer in microbial community structure of continuous cropping soil. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences) 39 (3), S. 281-290. [3] Müller, H. (1955). Untersuchungen über die Wirkung des Cyanamids im Kalkstickstoff auf pathogene und nichtpathogene Mikroorganismen des Bodens. In: Arch. Microbiol. 22 (3), S. 285-306. 


Thus, all in all we can say that Perlka®…

Here you can find further information about our product Perlka®.

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