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23.05.2018, Alzchem, Corporate News

AlzChem: First Annual General Meeting under a new name; company records strong growth

Trostberg, May 23, 2018 – AlzChem Group AG (WKN: A0AHT4), a vertically integrated specialty chemicals supplier with a leading market position in select niche markets, held its Annual General Meeting in Munich today, May 23, 2018. 99.01 % of the share capital was represented at the Annual General Meeting. All items on the agenda were adopted by a large majority. The Management Board and Supervisory Board were also discharged for the past fiscal year 2017. In addition, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Munich, was appointed as auditor for the company and the Group for the short fiscal year 2018.

In the course of the Annual General Meeting, the Management Board reported on the strong growth in the past fiscal year 2017 and the positive course of business in the first quarter of 2018, while at the same time providing an outlook on the further strategy and the current fiscal year 2018, including the planned start of CreAMINO®1’s own sales activities from 2019. With the introduction of the short fiscal year 2018 that ended on June 30, the Management Board and Supervisory Board have also created the prerequisite for AlzChem Group AG to be able to distribute a dividend for fiscal year 2017 as the Group holding company at the next Annual General Meeting in November 2018 and thus still in calendar year 2018. The company’s dividend policy is that 30-50% of its net income is to be distributed to shareholders as a dividend.

“In fiscal year 2017, we were again able to grow profitably and strongly. We made important investment decisions to ensure that our company’s development continues to be positive beyond the current fiscal year. Good growth prospects coupled with our dividend policy make AlzChem an interesting investment in our opinion,” commented Ulli Seibel, CEO of AlzChem Group AG.

The voting results of the Annual General Meeting can be viewed on the website at www.alzchem.com/en/hv.

About AlzChem

AlzChem Group AG is a vertically integrated manufacturer of various chemical products based on the NCN chain. These are products with typical nitrogen-carbon-nitrogen bonding that are used in a wide variety of different industries. The company has a leading position in select niche markets, including the markets for feed additives and food supplements. The strategic focus of growth and the main focus of its extensive research and development are on the business segment Specialty Chemicals. The company has around 1,500 employees at four sites in Germany and three other sites abroad.

Annual General Meeting 2018

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