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05.05.2022, Alzchem, Corporate News

Annual General Meeting 2022 of Alzchem Group AG: Broad shareholder approval for growth course and dividend increase

Trostberg, 5 May 2022 – Today’s virtual Annual General Meeting of Alzchem Group AG expressed its continued confidence in the Management Board and the Supervisory Board by discharging them for the fiscal year 2021 and approved all agenda items with a large majority. In particular, an increase in the dividend from EUR 0.77 to EUR 1.00 per share (total distribution of approximately EUR 10.1 million) was approved. The increased payout of approximately EUR 2.3 million reflects the very successful fiscal year 2021 with new record levels of sales, EBITDA and net income. The proposed resolutions on the election of the auditor of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements, the approval of the remuneration report and the creation of new authorized capital also received strong approval from the virtual plenum.

“We are grateful for the broad approval of the Annual General Meeting, as it once again represents a great vote of confidence in our work and strategy. At the same time, we also see it as a great incentive for the further successful development of Alzchem Group AG. We are particularly pleased for our shareholders that as a growth company we can continue to combine our ambitious plans with a reliable dividend strategy,” explains Andreas Niedermaier, CEO of Alzchem Group AG. “The fact that we were able to achieve several best performances in 2021 makes us just as confident for the future as the successful start to the fiscal year 2022 with a new record in quarterly sales as well as EBITDA slightly above the previous year’s level. After all, we have achieved all this together with our team of employees despite the current geopolitical situation, the disruptions in global logistics chains, and the extreme rise in raw material and energy prices. We continue to see ourselves on a good path to develop our businesses forward and achieve the goals we have set.”

The detailed voting results for the individual agenda items at the Annual General Meeting can be downloaded from the website at https://www.alzchem.com/en/investor-relations/annual-general-meeting/.

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