Der Aufsichtsrat der Softmatic AG hat in seiner Sitzung vom 2. Juli 2015 Herrn Maik Brockmann mit sofortiger Wirkung und befristet bis zum 30.06.2016 zum Vorstand berufen.
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Softmatic AG / Vorabbekanntmachung über die Veröffentlichung von Rechnungslegungsberichten
Softmatic AG / Vorabbekanntmachung über die Veröffentlichung von Rechnungslegungsberichten
Softmatic AG / Vorabbekanntmachung über die Veröffentlichung von Rechnungslegungsberichten
Nitriles can be used in a variety of ways, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.
The 2018 world champion and London 2012 bronze medalist was beaten only by Olympic champion Jiri Prskavec (Czech Republic) and Jakub Grigar (Slovakia).
Eminex® by Alzchem is a newly developed slurry additive that is specially designed to make slurry storage more environmentally friendly. The product has been on the market and available to progressive livestock farmers since September 2021. Not onlythe environmental credentials convinces, Eminex® also provides a solution to some age-old problems faced by many livestock owners. We interviewed three dairy farmers and asked them about their experience of using Eminex® in practice.
During many years, Alzchem achieved an excellent positioning of the NITRALZ® portfolio in international markets. After the successful commissioning of the expanded capacity for chlorobenzonitriles, Alzchem is now working on the expanding of the aliphatic nitriles business with strategic partners.