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11.11.2020, Alzchem, Corporate News
AlzChem Group AG: sales in the 9-month period of 2020 slightly declining, EBITDA stable

AlzChem Group AG, a vertically integrated specialty chemicals supplier with a leading market position in selected niche markets, generated consolidated sales of EUR 278.6 million in the first nine months of fiscal year 2020, compared to EUR 287.7 million in the 9-month period of 2019. The slight growth in the Specialty Chemicals segment was offset by a stronger overall decline in the Basics & Intermediates and Other & Holding segments.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Gesund und vital altern

[Translate to Englisch:] Die neue Broschüre „Gesund und vital altern“ befasst sich mit Muskelschwund, welcher Teil des natürlichen Alterungsprozesses ist. Altwerden kann niemand aufhalten, aber sich alt fühlen schon. Mit der steigenden Lebenserwartung, ist „gesundes Altern“ ein essentielles Thema der heutigen Zeit und hierfür ist ein gut funktionierender Bewegungsapparat entscheidend.

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Watt - Adequate muscle creatine

Birds are omnivorous species, they are evolutionarily designed to consume products from plant and animal origin. However, for several reasons, poultry nutrition is shifting more and more to a vegetable diet. This shift has resulted in losing some important benefits of animal products, including creatine, an essential compound found in meat but not in plants.

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