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15.03.2021, Alzchem, Corporate News
Disclosure according to Article 5 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and Article 2 Section (1) of the Delegated EU Regulation 2016/1052

In the period from March 8, 2021 up to and including March 12, 2021, a total of 370 shares of AlzChem Group AG were acquired as part of the share buyback program announced on February 2, 2021. The total number of shares acquired to date as part of this buyback amounts to 11.933. The acquisition was carried out by ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main/Germany via the stock exchange (XETRA) on behalf of AlzChem Group AG.

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05.03.2021, Alzchem
Melflock® Products – Paper Bags, Tissues and Food Boxes

Paper is a natural and sustainable product. It is made of a renewable raw material and becomes more and more trendy. Tissues, kitchen rolls, paper bags, food boxes, card board packaging, all is based on a natural and renewable raw material. In the pulp and paper production the pulp is treated by auxiliaries to achieve different performances. Here our flocculation aids like our Melflock® products that are cationic dicyandiamide resins are applied.

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01.03.2021, Alzchem, Corporate News
Disclosure according to Article 5 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and Article 2 Section (1) of the Delegated EU Regulation 2016/1052

In the period from February 22, 2021 up to and including February 26, 2021, a total of 692 shares of AlzChem Group AG were acquired as part of the share buyback program announced on February 2, 2021. The total number of shares acquired to date as part of this buyback amounts to 11.563. The acquisition was carried out by ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main/Germany via the stock exchange (XETRA) on behalf of AlzChem Group AG.

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24.02.2021, Agriculture
Rice fertilization in Italy - a 113 years success story with Perlka®

The history of Perlka® in rice begins around 1910 in northern Italy with the first experimental tests executed by the botanical garden of Turin in which the fertilizing efficacy of the product was clearly proved. Slow nitrogen supply with simultaneous lime effect, which counteracts soil acidification and sustainably maintains and improves soil fertility. The advantages of Perlka® in rice were subsequently confirmed by many scientific trials done since the mid 1930’s until today.

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22.02.2021, Alzchem, Corporate News
Disclosure according to Article 5 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and Article 2 Section (1) of the Delegated EU Regulation 2016/1052

In the period from February 15, 2021 up to and including February 19, 2021, a total of 1.477 shares of AlzChem Group AG were acquired as part of the share buyback program announced on February 2, 2021. The total number of shares acquired to date as part of this buyback amounts to 10.871. The acquisition was carried out by ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main/Germany via the stock exchange (XETRA) on behalf of AlzChem Group AG.

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