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14.06.2021, Alzchem, Corporate News
Disclosure according to Article 5 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and Article 2 Section (1) of the Delegated EU Regulation 2016/1052

In the period from June 7 up to and including June 11, 2021, a total of 3.513 shares of AlzChem Group AG were acquired as part of the share buyback program announced on February 2, 2021. The total number of shares acquired to date as part of this buyback amounts to 34.160. The acquisition was carried out by ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main/Germany via the stock exchange (XETRA) on behalf of AlzChem Group AG.

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11.06.2021, Alzchem
AlzChem continues to expand digitalization

Despite the spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, we remain extremely well connected to our customers using digital media. In 2020, it was not possible to get in touch with our customers like before, for example via business trips or trade fairs. The personal dialogue could not take place as usual. This was remedied through video conferences and digital trade fairs.

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07.06.2021, Alzchem, Corporate News
Disclosure according to Article 5 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and Article 2 Section (1) of the Delegated EU Regulation 2016/1052

In the period from May 31 up to and including June 4, 2021, a total of 4.665 shares of AlzChem Group AG were acquired as part of the share buyback program announced on February 2, 2021. The total number of shares acquired to date as part of this buyback amounts to 30.647. The acquisition was carried out by ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main/Germany via the stock exchange (XETRA) on behalf of AlzChem Group AG.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Bärbel Kofler im Dialog mit der

[Translate to Englisch:] Die heimische SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete Dr. Bärbel Kofler besuchte die Firma AlzChem Group AG in Trostberg. Das weltweit aktive Spezialchemie-Unternehmen ist mit der heimischen Region eng verbunden. Die umfangreiche Produktpalette des Unternehmens wurde in dem Gespräch vorgestellt. Ebenso war die aktuelle Ausbildungs- und Arbeitsplatzsituation, sowie die jahrelange erfolgreiche Betriebsratsarbeit ein Thema.

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For a colorful, better, diverse, and more sustainable world with NITRALZ® from AlzChem

Starting from a highly efficient and environmentally friendly gas phase technology, AlzChem is able to produce a broad portfolio of sophisticated nitriles. Supported by a comprehensive European supply chain and sound logistics, AlzChem has become a respected and sustainable source of a wide range of nitriles in recent years. On this basis, this attractive market, which is far from being fully exploited, will be further expanded and the relevant development intensified.

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