
For Outstandingly Performing Pigs!
Supplementing Creamino® to the feed improves the metabolic energy status of pigs, which supports all stages of pig rearing: from high performing sows and vital piglets to healthy growing finishers.
Improved vitality:
Enhanced creatine levels improve vitality of piglets right from the beginning.
Better feed efficiency:
Feeding Creamino® to nursery piglets improves nutrient efficiency and enhances their FCR.
Healthy growth:
Creamino® improves weight gain resulting in higher body weight at the end of nursery stage.
Among others, shown in Preißinger et al. (2021) and Krieg et al. (2023).
Better feed efficiency:
Feeding Creamino® improves nutrient efficiency and enhances the FCR of the animals.
Improved meat quality:
An optimal creatine status is crucial for superior meat quality and taste.
Healthy growth:
Creamino® improves weight gain of your pigs and enables them to reach their market weight earlier in a healthy way.
Among others, shown in Weber et al. (2017) and satisfied Scandinavian customers.
Improved sows’ performance:
Supplementing Creamino® can increase the performance of your sows by enhancing litter size and increasing piglet weight.
Increased milk yield and quality:
Creamino® enhances the milk production and improves the milk’s nutrient composition.
Better energetic status:
Supplementing Creamino® increases the performance of the sows and keeps their weight at a stable level.
Among others, shown in Panisson et al. (2018) and Araújo et al. (2022).
The information presented on this website is based on general knowledge, but does not constitute a generally applicable recommendation. The approval and application regulations of the respective country must be observed for use. Please contact us for details.