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Once added to the spray it considerably lowers the surface tension of the water so that the applied drops adhere better on the plant surface. At the same time, this additive causes an effect known as “super-spreading”, a process whereby sprayed drops are distributed widely and rapidly, resulting in an evenly wetted target surface. Moreover, BREAK-THRU® S 301 improves the absorption into the plants tissue of plant-protecting active ingredients. So BREAK-THRU® S 301 helps to optimize plant protection measures.

Proof of origin: Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH, Essen, Germany
Product Group: Adjuvant


BREAK-THRU® S 240 is a non-ionic spreading and a penetration aid. Once added to the spray it considerably lowers the surface tension of the water so that the sprayed drops adhere better on the plant surface. At the same time, this additive causes an effect known as “super spreading”, a process whereby sprayed drops are distributed widely and rapidly, resulting in an evenly wetted plant. Moreover, BREAK-THRU® S 240 improves the absorption into the plants tissue of plant-protecting active ingredients. So BREAK-THRU® S 240 helps to optimize plant protection measures.

® = Registered trade mark of Evonik Industries AG or its affiliates      


Bernhard Fuchs

Bernhard Fuchs



Reg.-Bezirk: Oberbayern, Niederbayern, Schwaben

Andreas Galster

Dominik Galster

Application consultant

Region: Oberpfalz, Oberfranken, Mittelfranken und Unterfranken

Otto Lange

Otto Lange

Consulting farmer

Region: Weser-Ems

Dahlstraße 11

49492 Westerkappeln


M +49 171 3090762

Georg Reichert

Georg Reichart

Consulting farmer

Region: Stuttgart und Tübingen

M +49 171 3090761

Veronika Pfaffenberger

Veronika Pfaffenberger

Product Management and Sales Officer

South East Europe, Nordic countries, Central Africa, Austria and Switzerland

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