Application Area

Well positioned.
In the middle of life
Verbund Production
The main products of the Alzchem Group are based on the same raw materials, namely lime and coal. Along the calcium carbide/calcium cyanamide (NCN) chain, Alzchem integrates many processing and refining steps to create the respective products in the Basics & Intermediates and Specialty Chemicals segments. This vertical integration in production is a key strength of the Alzchem Group. It is only made possible by the geographical proximity of the four historically grown sites in the Bavarian Chemical Triangle.
The “Verbund Production” allows Alzchem to react flexibly to changes in demand, as many products from the Basics & Intermediates segment are also raw materials for products in the Specialty Chemicals segment. In addition, there are various synergies in the production process and in research and development. The “Verbund Production” secures the company a high degree of independence from external suppliers.